New Expose Takes a Penetrating Look at Omega-3 Food Labeling, Omega-6 and Inflammation

Released on: June 12, 2008, 12:31 pm

Press Release Author: Sea-Based Publishing

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Finally, someone has put together a fascinating expos into
the latest health food buzzword: Omega-3 appearing on more food products every week.

Press Release Body: (Coconut Grove, FL) There are many unusual aspects to Lois
Smithers' new book launching June 17th, The Food Industry's Greed: How Misleading
Labeling of Omega-3 Foods Undermines American Health - Inflammation and Omega-6" one
of which is two available formats, print and e-book.

There are 44 links in the expose to on-line, hard to access research that tells the
story of how products labeled Omega-3 came to total 317 in 2007, the Omega-6
connection to inflammation with governmental transcripts and messages from respected
medical communities. Messages, the author says, are otherwise obscured by marketing

Lois Smithers says, "An e-book format let's the reader follow each source link on
line that tell a story of the evolution of Omega-3 products and how Omega-6s in
processed foods for 50 years have contributed to an epidemic of poor health. If
they prefer the print version, there are instructions in the book to access the
hyperlinked (click-able) index on-line. Following those links is essential for
consumers to understand how the Omega-6 abundance has harmed the health of a nation.

And a caveat from Lois Smithers, "You won\'t find words in the book that say how you
should eat, what to buy or how to shop. What you will read is unquestionable
research from science that helps educate consumers about inflammation to make the
best choices."

The second unusual aspect is a close look at Omega-6s in processed foods and their
connection to inflammation. The author says, "Very few consumers are aware of the
high Omega-6 content these foods have and have always had. Processed foods are not
"real" food in any nutritional sense but knowing their link to inflammation is vital
information every one needs to know." The author thoroughly, yet objectively, leads
consumers through research and information to help them draw their own conclusions.

While the food industry has been taken to task for years for confusing labeling,
this book focuses on the Omega-3 aspect of labeling with a special significance to
the lack of health benefits those products bring - benefits consumers have come to
associate with Omega-3.

Much has been written over the past decade about our need for Omega-3 with just as
much misleading about the best sources to add to our diets. The Food Industry's
Greed shows how food has been falsely marketed to consumers and teaches them to be
wise by reading labels for the Omega-6 content. Her work is based upon the current
scientific literature but is an easy, page-turning read for consumers of any age and
educational level.

Having personally experienced the ying-yang relationship of Omega-3 and Omega-6
connection to inflammation, the author uses research to share with consumers what
she personally experienced. Clearly, she substantiates how products labeled "a good
source of omega-3s" and "omega-3 fatty acids added" require a very close look.

The author removes the "stamp of approval" from these labels by divulging the
ingredients in those products through an engrossing, comprehensive look through
their evolution. A fascinating expose into the health food buzzword Omega-3
appearing on more products every week.

About Lois Smithers

Lois Smithers, a life-long equestrian, had several competition injuries including
two fractured vertebrae. When injuries appeared to resurface in 1995, unanimous
diagnoses were "aging" until 2005 when adding Omega-3 quieted inflammation quickly.
Grateful and mystified those years had to happen, she spent the next 3 years
immersed in researching Omega-3, Omega-6 and the inflammation link to foods.

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Contact Details: Sea-Based Publishing
3202 Shipping
Miami, Florida 33133
(305) 407-9443

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